Association for the socio-cultural development of the woman (ADSF)
The Association of socio-cultural development of the women was created on June 23, 1981.
The ADSF is a canadian non-profit targeting women who are looking to acquire intellectual values, the christian and civic engage responsibly in the different spheres of their life. The Association is open to all women, regardless of their origin and religious affiliation.
Focused on three axes
Intellectual Stimulation
Deepening of the general culture to lead to a discernment in the face of societal challenges current (courses, conferences, and meetings on family, work, ethics...)
Development of the person
Acquisition of new skills to make everyday life more enjoyable and give it a touch more human. The activities introduce them to the practice of the virtues, such as patience, order, love, friendship, loyalty, etc
The implementation of the first two axes may result in concrete actions and to a consciousness more acute needs of others, leading to works of charity and sharing.
The spiritual activities of the ADSF fallOpus Dei a personal prelature of the catholic Church.
The Association of socio-cultural development of the woman encourage women of all ages to strive for excellence in the different areas of their life : work, family, cultural, and spiritual. The ADSF fosters women a balanced life, helping to strengthen families and build a better society.
We need your support to allow the ADSF continue to offer programs and activities for you and for others. The ADSF is primarily supported by donations and bequests from individuals.
The ADSF is a charity (141302034 RR0001) since 1981. The Association is governed by a board of directors whose members are elected each year by the general assembly. It is authorized to issue receipts for income tax purposes.
If you would like to make a donation, please send your check to ADSF to our head office 5900, Path, Hudson, Montreal, H3S 2G7
Consolidation of personal autonomy: how we try to support women and families
The ADSF offers a variety of services and resources to help women and families to broaden their perspectives, personal, family, social or professional.
Sports, cultural events, etc
Workshops covering current issues
Volunteer work with seniors
Culinary workshops
Course on education of children
Family seminars
Spiritual activities
Dating on faith
Recollections monthly
Community News & Posts
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